Earth Day Workbook
Earth Day Workbook
Price: $9.99 (Physical copy), $7.99 (Digital copy)e.
Brand: The EDU - Station
Material: regular
No. of Pages: varies
Product Details:
Do you want to encourage environmental attitude and behavior in your child?
Then this book can help.
A workbook with several activities that feature the outdoors, planet Earth, animals, plants, and ways to help the environment like recycling and reusing.
Inside are age-appropriate activities designed to help teach the importance of caring for the Earth to your little ones.
The activities are also easy to incorporate into your curriculum, whether you’re at home or in a school setting.
All activities are completely theme-related and very helpful in developing skills and knowledge on:
- Reading
- Circle Theme
- Arts and Crafts
- Science
- Social Studies
- Math
- Sensory Games
- And more!
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