Tracing Workbook
Tracing Workbook
Price: $13.99 (Physical copy), $9.99 (Digital copy)
Brand: The EDU - Station
Material: regular
No. of Pages: varies
Product Details:
This book is NOT just about the skill of “tracing.”
It’s about motor control.
It’s about teaching your child to calm their hands and focus their minds on the task in front of them.
It’s about promoting better hand-eye coordination.
It’s about allowing their imagination to take over as the object they are tracing begins to take a definite shape.
This is a wonderful workbook for children who need to do something to lay off their siblings who are busy with homeschool tasks.
Images are age-appropriate and straightforward enough to allow her to work independently on them for a while.
A great starting point for little ones starting to learn how to use pencils or crayons.
It is an excellent tool for busy parents who want to improve their children’s fine motor skills!
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